Zdravo! Kako ste? Today's subject is about what happens when good ol' life decides to give us a push in another direction (whether that's up, down, or into another dimension). Yes, what exactly happens when we die? If any of you have watched shows dealing with psychics, perhaps you have some sort of idea. But what about most of the world that is scared of dying?
Although there have been experiences in which people have reported going to the "hereafter" in the past, only recently have near-death experiences been seen as possibly real and even objective to many people of different beliefs. So what are these experiences all about? Well, sometimes people are in accidents, incidents, or simply in bad health and suddenly they "die". But these are not "full" deaths because they are actually revived rather than remain "dead".
But there is something strange about some of these unnatural/natural temporary "deaths". The strange thing is that when these chosen few trip over the bucket and spill some water (bare with me here), they actually find themselves outside of their bodies and even floating above them! This may seem like a Hollywood movie, but these movies are based on these experiences.
And that's not where it ends. In most cases, it goes on for a bit more, but in some other cases, there's really a "good story" to tell. What is reported by these people is that they can observe and hear what those around them are saying. They are also able to pass through walls and do other dream-like things.
The interesting thing is that when they are "revived" they tell their story and it is actually accurate and true to what actually happened! That is, the doctors and nurses and anything else that happened in fact occurred! Of course, maybe most of you haven't heard these stories probably because not many people are popularizing it. Also, many of you may belong to a popular religion in which the "hereafter" isn't until the "Last Day", or perhaps that we reincarnate right after we die. But what if it's a much more immediate and heavenly experience?
Reading the different beliefs systems around the world, I thought that they were a bit "preconceived" and somewhat "pessimistic" and so on. Why wait for a "Last Day" to live again/go to Heaven? Or why be reborn into a body for no particular reason besides not being "enlightened"?
I thought that these religions weren't necessarily "wrong", but I'm sure that perhaps they're missing or have confused a few things. This is where near-death experiences come in. So after being outside of your body, there are some other interesting things that happen. In some cases people go back to their homes and look around or go around the hospital and wander. But in other cases they see a being of light. This is basically a spirit of sorts that is there to guide you to the next realm of existence. The famous "tunnel" and "going into the light" is this stage. However, there isn't always a being of light, but sometimes people are "alone" (or so it seems) while going through the tunnel.
And of course, at the end of the tunnel is a bright light. Once embraced by this light the people say they feel great and loved like never before. After this, they may also have a life review. In some cases, if I recall properly, that some have life reviews before they go into the tunnel, but I think that usually happens when they have shorter experiences. Life reviews are self-explanatory: reliving what you have experienced in life. All the bad and good. In many cases, they say that the small good deeds, rather than the popular things they've done in life is what is important (and they may be accompanied by other spirits during this review). That's why we shouldn't care much about the materialistic side of this world, but do what is right for the good of allkind.
But while in the light, they also are able to interact with other souls and many times it is their dead relatives. They also say that this "realm" (well, Utopia/Heaven, usually) is really wonderful. Whether there are magnificent fairy tale-like buildings or simply flowers that are shining with colours, it really is the place you want to stay...forever. However, that's not where it ends (obviously). They are usually asked/told to return to Earth, but in some cases they are asked to stay, but choose to go back. Then comes the part which they dread: they're yanked back through the tunnel and back into their bodies. However, although somewhat sad that they had to leave (most of them), they feel better and change (for the better).
Doesn't that sound awesome? I have to warn you, though, that this may not be the case for suicides and "traumatized" souls. For suicides it happens that they may experience a dark and sad place. So anyone thinking this is the way, you should reconsider. Some near-death experiencers also go to a sort of "hell-like" place, but not necessarily with a demon of some sort and so on, but with much hatred and dread all around. It may be a wasteland of some sort or a place where people are literally "out of their mind".
But for the most part, I hope, the experience is great. But you see, some people are somewhat attached to this Earth life. After death they remain as ghosts. Ghosts have been portrayed as troubled spirits, and so many psychics feel like they have to send them "to the light". This is not the case for near-death experiencers, since they're obviously not fully dead. But I think that no one should be too attached or troubled, because staying around won't do you much good. The "unfinished business" you have must be resolved in this life or at least try to resolve it quickly after you die!
I think though, that there should be other spirits trying to assist you when you do die. So rather than tell them to go to you know where, maybe you should think about where you are (i.e. in a sort of limbo dimension). I think this applies to anyone who dies and finds themselves basically "invisible" to everyone else. Sure you can look around and be a "peeping-Tom" of sorts, (honestly, for God's sake), but to stay around instead of go to where you probably should is a bit disheartening.
Well, I hope that was somewhat interesting. And of course, these are not necessarily truths, but they shouldn't be discounted. Feel free to comment (or e-mail) or ask questions! Thanks.
"Dr. John"