Sunday, December 16, 2007


Hey guys and gals! I hope your holiday season is going fine so far and that all your families are doing well. It's been a bit of time since I've written, but here I am with my two Canadjen cents (that have since gone down in value)...

2008 will be a good year. Sure, there may be more disasters, but I'm hoping things will go well. Travel, studies, work, chillaxin' (that's for all you 80's-90's people out there), and just helping my fellow man is what I see for next year. Things this year have been a bit chaotic, but it's been said that it's always dark before the dawn. Things only stay bad for so long until even bad is fed up of itself.

So far in my life, things have been different than for others. That is, the majority of others. From being through "almost" two divorces to now taking care of my grandparents while their health becomes discombobulated (just wanted to use that word), it's been somewhat challenging. How about you guys out there? I'd love to hear your stories.

I have also had more penpals/e-pals than friends. However, it seems like friends nowadays are like penpals. Chatting on Messenger or texting all the time is how people go now. Actually, I do speak and have spoken to others, just like with e-pals and penpals, but my thoughts of what a friend is is a bit different than others. Maybe I'm thinking of good or best friends.

So, what really is a friend? And what really is a girlfriend (or boyfriend), brother, sister, and so on? As the old people complain nowadays, our generation want things quick and quick things. Relationships aren't what they used to be. I've tried to find good people by e-palling and penpalling, but it isn't that common. Sure, they could be "good" in the everyday sense, but barely any are committed to the friendship we could possibly have.

And with studies, it seems like people are (politically incorrect) becoming retarded. Yeah, we all know the slackers at school, but it's like everyone (well, there are exceptions, of course), doesn't know what's going on. The people who are already doctors, nurses, and so on seem like they didn't even go to college. And it's similarly happening with people now. Maybe it's all the crap we eat and breathe dissolving our brains.

So, for 2008, I hope that brain won't go to gray goo. I hope you all help yourselves and the world. And if someone does need your help, and that's the right kind of help, not buying drugs, booze, or whatever, then help. Even if someone doesn't ask, try to help without causing more crap. Sometimes people don't understand that a real friend (or someone who loves you), will do what's needed for you and not what you want. So do what's needed, not wanted, but still keep and open mind. Just being optimistic.

Have a great time!

"Dr." John

Monday, August 6, 2007

Summer Number

Hello everybody! How are you all doing? So it's been a few months since I've last written and some things have happened in the world. Earthquakes here in there (Japan and I think in the news at the moment it's Utah), that bridge collapse in Minneapolis, very warm weather in Europe, and just plain political drama.

What have others been up to this summer? What are the college and university students up to? What about the retired seniors and maybe even the retired juniors? What are you guys (and girls) experiencing now and what are you thinking about? Are you reconsidering the choices you've made or perhaps you're wishing to do something new?

At the moment things are simply moving along with studies, family, friends, and strangers. I sometimes wonder what it'd be like to know, experience, and understand the life of that person I passed by on the street or seemed to rush by in a car or even went back into his/her house. It got me thinking why, without the nosiness and gossip, people act the way they do?

Is that old lady with the grocery bags managing well or does she need some help? Maybe that guy with the basketball cap, jersey, and shorts wishes life could be a bit different? That girl in the tank top and short skirt...what is she really like? How about that old man who looks like he hasn't smiled for his whole lifetime? Is it just how his face is or is he expressing himself for all to see?

We pass by all these strangers without caring. Of course, it'd be awkward to say: "Hey buddy, what's on your mind?" or "Excuse me, is something bothering you? Could I in someway help?" If you introduce yourself to someone in the "wrong" social setting, they'll probably think you want something "bad" from them.

People think that the people that really know you are only your family and close friends. It makes sense when you see those interviews with counselors or psychologists and they're literally asking the wrong questions and have the personality of a robot. It then happends that your reluctance to express yourself or lack of connection with that counselor or psychologist makes that person need to go to his/her therapist!

It's so bizarre. I think the problem is that we choose to criticize others rather than actually help them. It could also be in the approach. The second party must also be willing to "cooperate". How can a guy in high school suddenly express his feelings to this stranger when he can't do so with his friends? Or that girl in college who hides that she just wants to be a good person but she's afraid to be alone? All of these people don't want to talk about the things that are bothering them so they become the people they dread.

That old grandma wasn't always hunching over and distracted by the cars on the street. That old man didn't have a an injection that forever gave him a frown. Society has a certain "personal space" boundary. It's more of a mental space than a physical one. Although women are always portrayed as either crying all the time (i.e. over-emotional) and men as angry testosterone meatheads , these are what things have become.

So everyone out there, we can get in touch with that negative emotions and thoughts we carry. Don't wake up one day and wonder why you pushed your child away because he/she asked about something from your past. Don't scream at your mom or dad (unnecessarily, of course) saying that they're simply idiots and couldn't understand if they've tried. It's so cliche.

Sure, some parents do things that should be never committed, and in that case, it's quite understandable why a child would be angry. However, why did they do it? The child considers him/herself as a victim. It's similar to that case of the priests now having to pay up to all the children they molested. Sure, they did something nasty. But why did they do it?

We tend to analyze the bad things and blame people for "choosing" such things. What about the neutral or good things? Do we analyze why someone likes oranges? Do we say: "How could you enjoy something that's dead?" Do we think that child who feeds that pidgin is good? Maybe that pidgin will spread disease. Orhow about that football player who wins it for the team? Do we analyze why he would do such a thing, besides it being that "winning is everything"?

Well, that's enough for now... Feel free to comment...

"Dr. John"

Friday, May 18, 2007

I forgot, you forgot, we all remember.....

Hey everybody! It's been about a month now since I last wrote, so I guess it's time to start a-typin'. I just finished writing an e-mail to a penpal about the way I (sometimes) look at things. There's two basic proverbs which could be essentially interpreted as the same, but in more than their literal sense:

Tat tvam asi or You are that


Do unto others as (you would have them/they) would do unto you

The Hindus interpret Tat tvam asi in different ways, one being that the soul is part of the Ultimate reality. The Bible proverb (although it also has it forms in other religions, including Hinduism) seems simple enough; whatever you do, imagine yourself in their position and the consequences.

However, I think both are more simple and even more mystical than they seem to be. You are that. Could it not mean that you are All? You are the chair you sit in. You are the keyboard you are typing. You are that calculus textbook. You are the people around you whom you love and hate.

If I were to give a "scientific" version, you are the atoms of the universe. We merely think we are part of the universe, but shouldn't we think we are the universe? How can you say this is the universe and that is not? Although we quantify the universe, is that really a possibility? Is a star more part of the universe than a planet? Well, we may say there's more matter, but that it's more "universy"?

With the proverb, was it simply the same as Tat tvam asi? That if you do good or bad to others, you are actually doing good or bad to yourself? We see reality as full of pieces and so we think that anything outside our social circle means nothing. A big disaster happens and so for a moment we `feel` for people. But what about the people in front of us...?

These sayings have many aspects to them and as another proverb goes: One cannot see what is right in front of him.

Yes, of course it may sound mystical and perhaps something not related to reality, but have we given it a chance? Imagine the world if we followed these simply words of wisdom. And not in a selfish way, but really with pure motives. No more wars because we`d just be fighting ourselves. No more pollution because we would only be polluting ourselves. No more greed because we would simply be stealing from ourselves. No more power because power exists only when there are variances of power.

What would be left? Observations. Probably `someone` saying ``Oops, `I` already knew that.`` This would be a revelation to our conscious minds. We would simply have to apply it to everything, even things not human. Where would we be then? Maybe then death would not exist and we could move on from this simple yet revelatory experience. Please feel free to comment.

`Dr. John`

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Happy Birthday to...

Hey everyone! How's it going? This entry will be about the events of this week. Tomorrow's my birthday and although I'm happy about that...turning the big 2-0, there is lots of sadness around. My birthday also sticks out in the minds of many as the anniversary of Columbine. Can you believe 8 years have passed already? I turned 12 when it happened!

And now, 8 years later, the horror at Virginia Tech happens. Instead of a high school, it's now a university. And rather than it being local residents, it's someone who's originally from the other part of the world. Why do these things happen? I think that we're not aware of the others around us. Some people admitted that they thought the guy was disturbed, but did they actually help him?

I hope others remind themselves that everything they do makes a difference. If you bully that kid or pick on that nerd and what have you, there are consequences. Sure, they should be strong enough to not make irreversible mistakes, but you should be smart enough to give positive and respectful "emanations".

It seems that Cho Seung-Hui was bullied at school before. It isn't easy when you're a bit different than others. And, once again, the bullied end up hurting others because they were hurt themselves. It also seems that the Columbine students had been bullied. Rejection has many consequences.

And it was 12 years ago (April 19th, 1995) that the Oklahoma City Bombing occurred. All of these things come in this horrible week. And why did he do it? Apparently because of the injustices of the US government (particularly Waco and Ruby Ridge incidents). But why do they have to kill others?

I'd like to hear your opinion. Thanks and try to have a good day!

"Dr." John

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Where has that nutter cracked to?

Hey everybody! How's it going? Just gonna greet in English until I can write totally in another language (I could attempt to, of course, but then my brain would conflagrate). Since I haven't written in a while (poor blog, it must feel like a wife wondering why its husband is working late again at work) I thought I'd pick something that would captivate my lack of readers!

Looking at the weather here in Canada, it just looks like Mother Nature may have put the weather cycle on "random". Of course, it's not really like that, it's just that getting snow, sun, rain, snow, rain, within seasons is just sad. I think that "Global Warming" bit can be thrown out here in Canada, unless "Global Warming" includes "Global Cooling"? As a remarked to a stranger, we're having an "Indian Winter" here.

But it's not only Canada, since the States is getting just as nutty. Pretty much the whole world is fluctuating in their weather patterns---and I don't mean because of the seasonal change---the weather simply does not match the season! So what can we do about this mess? Maybe we've created it, maybe we haven't (brilliant argument).

Because our current science is not particularly advanced (even if we count the developing nanotechnologies), we'll probably end up "blowing" ourselves up before saving the planet. Sure, we may develop the technology to live forever (whether in a human body or out of it), but so what? We may store all of the information that we know of on something we can't even see....but so what?

With the advance of technologies around the world it really makes you wonder what has changed in the human existence? There still are crooks---lots of them running around. I'm not simply talking about the bank robbers and so on, but the people who are thought of as "ok" or even as "heroes" in secret being worse than that guy with pitchforks.

Maybe Mother Nature takes pity on such corruption so she'll freeze or boil most of us. Doesn't that sound controversial? Yep, but what isn't controversial nowadays? Honestly, people don't really have freedom of speech anymore. I don't know if freedom is actually in existence. I think the worst things are being allowed but the "could-be-betters" aren't. Even good deeds aren't really there anymore. Everything has something crap associated with it. Really? You're such a pessimist "Dr." John! Nah, I feel myself to be more of a realist sometimes.

First off, you just have to look at the politics that exist. Everyone knows that's crapola. So we move onto the corporations. Well, they're affiliated with the governments of the world. And you'd think, since we're so rich, that there should be no more poverty in existence, right? But we just look towards Africa and Asia and it's all there. But we can't forget that it's even here. Go downtown and you'll probably be "greeted" by a couple of homeless people.

Well, let them get jobs! Hurray! Actually, it's not always that easy. Why? Well, the "real" citizens of the country sometimes (well, most of the time now) get the short end of the stick. The immigrants and "minorities" are getting most and even more of the rights, aren't they? I'm not a racist, honestly, but people have to see what's happening. I'm not even all "white", so eat that! Personally, I don't care what colour I am or anyone else, but what justice exists in this excuse for a world.

Some of you may look at your own countries and see the same thing. Of course, that doesn't mean you'll agree with what I've said (what exactly, have I been saying?). We're really looking forward to a cataclysmic future if we don't throw away our negative and selfish attitudes. And don't blame the average white man all the time, because he is as clueless as you are. And don't forget that it's not only the white man who's rich. Your own cultures have been enslaving others for a long time and being so greedy. What happened to the ancient teachings? Lao Tzu, Mo Tzu, Buddha, Krishna, Yeshua, any of the teachers....where have our heads been at?

The ones who have all the wisdom in their books have burned the books! The ones who had honour before have traded it for currency! The ones who have been "chosen" have chosen the path of darkness. Sheesh. C'mon world, get on the right path or else what's coming won't be that pleasant. Actually, what's coming is already here---we just can't see what hither be!
Feel free to put in your devalued two-cents!
"Dr." John

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Labas! Well, another week has gone! Where has the time gone, honestly? Today's entry is about the coincidences in life or as some say, predestined events or synchronicities. I sometimes wonder why life is like a big deja vu, but then I probably think about something else and that's that.

Rather than think it's my subconscious observing it a few milliseconds before me or that I chose it in heaven before I was born, I go for the third option: I dreamed (or dreamt) about it. But then I try to remmeber when I dreamed about it and my mind's vacant. So I say that maybe it's just the scientific theory, but that doesn't really work because I should experience it 24/7, right? Seeing that I'm either associating with a past memory or simply subconsciously aware of it before I'm consciously aware of it.

So we try the other end of the existential spectrum which has some sort of attractiveness, but similarly, why only certain times? Unlike the science option, some spiritualists say that we have certain sign posts in life (from a life review) which we will promptly remember and it may seem like a deja vu experience. Yet if it is so, then am I following the right path or repeating some error again?

Now, I'm not a "psychic" (well, I don't have conversations with the dead or other dimensions--that I recall--everyday) nor am a scientist, so I'm just a big nada. I'd like to say philosopher, but then I may been suffering from existential angst now. All I can say that I hope I'm on the right path.

What about you? Anyone who's out there..feel free to reply, because destiny may decide to keep me busy some other way...:) Have a great day.

"Dr. John"

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Blizzful weather...

Hyvää päivää! Well, today's Valentine's Day so I thought it would be good to talk about relations. However, instead of that gushy love that'll be going around today, how about we talk love towards everything. Sometimes I wonder why we don't love everything, because if we did, then it'd be quite simple. If we had compassion and love for all, then we wouldn't be selfish, would we? Instead of buying things for ourselves, perhaps we would buy things for others. Even better, everything would be available for everyone else without false values.

Perhaps in the future it will be like that. However, for us to reach that level, we must truly be different than we are now. It's not so much that we have to be different physically, but I suppose it's with our psyches. If we're worried about getting the latest cell phone then we're a bit selfish, aren't we? Or winning a certain sport or getting a raise in pay. What about the people around you? Even unto yourself you're creating more suffering by all of these desires. Not to say everyone's like this, but the majority seems to be so (at least in Western Society) .

So, who is truly suffering? Is it the people in third world nations or is it the ones who have a luxurious life? I think the ones who suffer the most may be the ones who can't see what is the right thing to do. Sure the poor may also make lousy choices, but choosing to be rich may be a lousy choice in itself. Of course, everyone in modern society would think that's crazy! Sheesh, without money you'd be poor and begging.

But this relates to what I was saying about love and compassion towards everyone. It's the greedy who have made the poor exist, right? So, no more greed, no more suffering.

I think at least some would agree. How about you?

"Dr. John"

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Rain flake snow drop...

Magandang hapon po! The year seems to be going by pretty fast, isn't it? Today's topic is about the way things seem to be. When you woke up this morning, did you have a feeling of how the day was going to be like? Perhaps you had a dream and some of that dream resembles what has happened today?
When you told somebody you'd be there in 5 minutes, did the time suddenly disappear or did those 5 minutes feel more like an hour? Did the mood of people around you seem to change for no apparent reason? Are you allergic to foods you didn't think you were allergic to? Has something caught your eye that you could have cared less for before?
Sometimes I think all of the above applies to just one day! It's those weird days when everything seems to be quite different, but strangely enough, it seems familiar enough to shrug it off. It's as if you go outside, without any plans, and then suddenly you have so much to do. But when you reflect on it, doesn't it seem like that was supposed to happen anyway?
All the chaos that's been happening isn't really shocking, is it? Have the world events of the last 10 years really surprised you? Sure we may be in temporary shock, but it's amazing how fast it wares off. But maybe it only seems like we're somewhat prepared for the things that happen around us.
Even the "new" technology that's out there doesn't seem to enthrall us for more than a few months (or days...). Sure there are commercials which are a few years old advertising all of the latest technology, but it's so passe. The older generation probably marvels more than the younger generation. Many still can't even get the computer turned on.
But that's not a shot at the older generation, because they were the "builders" of this technology. Sure, the majority may be as retarded as the young generation is in school now, but not all of the old people are slow; in fact, they probably know more than you (well, you whoever). However, many young people are quite versed in technology, but they, too, may be a minority.
I'm not saying that the majority of youths now can't use the technology, but how many can build the technology they use? How many are able to program these futuristic gadgets? And how many actually know about it? Not simply operating it (i.e. sending photos, downloading music, searching the net, etc.) but knowing how and why it does what it does?
Feel free to comment! Thanks.

"Dr. John"

Friday, February 2, 2007

Half full glass

Hallo! Hoe gaat het met u? Today will be a simply entry, one of measurements. To take a basic thought, are things half full or half empty? I've thought the expression is somewhat stupid, actually. But perhaps it could be used in different ways. However, when it is used in a figurative sense, rather than a literal sense, can anything really be half empty? When I think of "half empty" I kind of think of "half zero". And what is half zero? Exactly. Half full makes more sense, unless you're really saying that things are just disappearing to nowhere.

Things are always "half full" because there is something as the base, rather than nothing. Isn't there? It's as if one were to say that the physicality of the glass if half-dematerialized rather than half-materialized. In a literative sense, they both mean something different. But since we don't have that technology at the moment (or so they say), I'll move on.

Can we say life is half empty or half full? Well, since it is something, doesn't that require it to be half full (if we want to say anything is half). It's half completed because that is the direction of things, isn't it? But to be more figurative, our emotions are always looking towards fulfillment. So, we're not looking to be in a depressive state, but, rather, an ecstatic state.

What do you guys think? I don't think anything should be considered half at all. Thanks for reading.

"Dr. John"

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Extinction of extinction

Hej! Hur mår ni? Thinking about the future, I thought there would be a few good topics to write about. Besides the probable cataclysm that'll happen in the next 50-100 years, I thought it'd be good to talk about the other possibilities of the future. With technology and imagination continuing to be explored, I think in the next 50 years the world will really change.

Considering the last 50 years, we have gone from room-sized computers to mini cell phones that are pretty much free considering their applications now.

It's almost mind-boggling trying to imagine what will happen in science. I think most diseases and illnesses should be pretty much gone by then. It may sound naive to think that everything will be cured, but I think most thing will be that way. 50 years is a long time. But the questions is: how will people be cured?

I think the most probably methods would be energy technology and nano-technology. Energy technology (there are probably better terms such a magnetic therapy and so on) will use light and electricity (or other energies) to heal the body. Similar to those who have "healing hands/minds", there will be a specific energy to heal a certain area or type of disease. It is already used somewhat, but I think it's only beginning for most of the world.

Nano-technology will be artificial or "naturally synthesized" machines (microscopic...nanoscopic) that will enter the body and eliminate whatever infections there may be. It is also in existence, but only starting out. I think both of these technologies will be at a battle with each other. Naturalists will probably agree with energy technology and most other people may think machines are better.

But what happens when, by 2060, we are, for the most part, healthy? We must not forget genetic manipulation that is inevitably going to be prevalent among people. For, what is there to do when you're completely healthy? Customize your appearance, of course. Maybe be something else...a hybrid or "chimaera". Sad days but happy ones are ahead.

The obvious advancement will be in robotics and mind-machine technologies. It won't be pleasant, though. I don't know why people would want to be part machine or allow machines to read your thoughts and so on. But, of course, it doesn't matter, people want it anyway. I think it's a survival instinct so that once we're part machine, we can then become fully machine. I don't see that possibility happening in the next 50 years, but maybe the next 100 years.

I'm not saying that simple things will be impossible, because some already exist! What I mean in the transference of mind and memories into a machine. In effect, a person being able to discard his physical body and entering a mechanical one. Maybe around 2100 that'll happen and be pretty much "successful".

It still seems pretty weird to do so. Will there then be belief in a soul? This is a question that science doesn't like to answer. But if we are able to transfer the mind and memories into a mechanical body, what then? Or if it doesn't work---does that mean the soul does or does not exist?

What do you guys and gals think? Feel free to write. Thanks.

"Dr. John"

Friday, January 26, 2007

Tree of Light

Aloha! Well, don't mind the "Title" too much, but I suppose it has something to do with today's theme. In today's world, there's a variety of social standards. It's happening now that "white people" or "Caucasians" are being handed the lower end of the stick. And, of course, I think that it seems somewhat obvious that it would be this way now. However, the sad thing is is that the "minorities" are doing as bad as what they've accused the "White Man" of doing.

Similarly, homosexuals are also getting the upper hand and heterosexuals will slowly become extinct. Yes, I am exaggerating. However, considering that there are probably more homosexuals than people think there are (or, at least, bisexuals), maybe the ratio has already been reversed!

We all think things are in such a way that in reality it may be quite different. There are probably more disabled or "physically challenged" individuals than we think there are. Isn't having a chronic sore back somewhat of a diability? Or what about hyperactivity? Maybe even being attracted to the shopping mall is a disability.

I think humans of this world are becoming a bit abusive to themselves and others. Whether you're this or that, most people are taking advantaged of everyone else. For example, there are so many children who need to be adopted. Why is it, then, that people aren't adopting them? Why do people have to have their own kids when there is an excess of children already? I know it's different for the parents, especially the mothers (and father if they want a jr. of themselves), but come on!

Then people want sex changes, plastic surgery, or other available procedures just to make themselves feel better. Does it really do so? I mean, does looking like something you're not really make you happy inside? But I suppose the response is that it's their own body so they can do whatever you want. But are these people doing it for themselves or for others? Usually the ones who have sex changes say it's because they always felt like they were the other gender. But most (well, more like some) are also religious, so why don't you accept what God has given you?

But I guess everyone is conforming to a certain way..sort of like a fad or trend. And what about sports and all that? Isn't it just retarded? I don't mean playing sports is retarded, but the sort of clique that forms. In schools they usually teach you to respect everyone (or at least in some sort of religious setting), but what ends up happening? Guys (and girls) are on a team and then don't get along with others "just 'cuz".

But instead of all this drama, why don't people do other things? So much time on these social events, why don't you go socialize and help someone? Sure, in high school and college it's usually required ot have some volunteer hours, but what about because you actually want to do it? But that's not what teenagers or even adults want to do (most).

What we want is to have whatever we'd like and so what if that homeless guy has nothing; or so what if our single mother neighbour is having some trouble---its her fault she's in the mess she's in. What we want to do is not always what we need to do. But of course, we're all brainwashed to want things and to live a certain way...and actually think it's reasonable!

Yes, buy all the new technology and endorse all the companies and corporations that manipulate genes and countries and your desires. But wait---don't forget to help a little bit so it seems like you have some humanity left. Just think a little about what life is about and why you want what you want. Thanks.

"Dr. John"

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Warm Moon.....

Zdravo! Kako ste? Today's subject is about what happens when good ol' life decides to give us a push in another direction (whether that's up, down, or into another dimension). Yes, what exactly happens when we die? If any of you have watched shows dealing with psychics, perhaps you have some sort of idea. But what about most of the world that is scared of dying?

Although there have been experiences in which people have reported going to the "hereafter" in the past, only recently have near-death experiences been seen as possibly real and even objective to many people of different beliefs. So what are these experiences all about? Well, sometimes people are in accidents, incidents, or simply in bad health and suddenly they "die". But these are not "full" deaths because they are actually revived rather than remain "dead".

But there is something strange about some of these unnatural/natural temporary "deaths". The strange thing is that when these chosen few trip over the bucket and spill some water (bare with me here), they actually find themselves outside of their bodies and even floating above them! This may seem like a Hollywood movie, but these movies are based on these experiences.

And that's not where it ends. In most cases, it goes on for a bit more, but in some other cases, there's really a "good story" to tell. What is reported by these people is that they can observe and hear what those around them are saying. They are also able to pass through walls and do other dream-like things.

The interesting thing is that when they are "revived" they tell their story and it is actually accurate and true to what actually happened! That is, the doctors and nurses and anything else that happened in fact occurred! Of course, maybe most of you haven't heard these stories probably because not many people are popularizing it. Also, many of you may belong to a popular religion in which the "hereafter" isn't until the "Last Day", or perhaps that we reincarnate right after we die. But what if it's a much more immediate and heavenly experience?

Reading the different beliefs systems around the world, I thought that they were a bit "preconceived" and somewhat "pessimistic" and so on. Why wait for a "Last Day" to live again/go to Heaven? Or why be reborn into a body for no particular reason besides not being "enlightened"?

I thought that these religions weren't necessarily "wrong", but I'm sure that perhaps they're missing or have confused a few things. This is where near-death experiences come in. So after being outside of your body, there are some other interesting things that happen. In some cases people go back to their homes and look around or go around the hospital and wander. But in other cases they see a being of light. This is basically a spirit of sorts that is there to guide you to the next realm of existence. The famous "tunnel" and "going into the light" is this stage. However, there isn't always a being of light, but sometimes people are "alone" (or so it seems) while going through the tunnel.

And of course, at the end of the tunnel is a bright light. Once embraced by this light the people say they feel great and loved like never before. After this, they may also have a life review. In some cases, if I recall properly, that some have life reviews before they go into the tunnel, but I think that usually happens when they have shorter experiences. Life reviews are self-explanatory: reliving what you have experienced in life. All the bad and good. In many cases, they say that the small good deeds, rather than the popular things they've done in life is what is important (and they may be accompanied by other spirits during this review). That's why we shouldn't care much about the materialistic side of this world, but do what is right for the good of allkind.

But while in the light, they also are able to interact with other souls and many times it is their dead relatives. They also say that this "realm" (well, Utopia/Heaven, usually) is really wonderful. Whether there are magnificent fairy tale-like buildings or simply flowers that are shining with colours, it really is the place you want to stay...forever. However, that's not where it ends (obviously). They are usually asked/told to return to Earth, but in some cases they are asked to stay, but choose to go back. Then comes the part which they dread: they're yanked back through the tunnel and back into their bodies. However, although somewhat sad that they had to leave (most of them), they feel better and change (for the better).

Doesn't that sound awesome? I have to warn you, though, that this may not be the case for suicides and "traumatized" souls. For suicides it happens that they may experience a dark and sad place. So anyone thinking this is the way, you should reconsider. Some near-death experiencers also go to a sort of "hell-like" place, but not necessarily with a demon of some sort and so on, but with much hatred and dread all around. It may be a wasteland of some sort or a place where people are literally "out of their mind".

But for the most part, I hope, the experience is great. But you see, some people are somewhat attached to this Earth life. After death they remain as ghosts. Ghosts have been portrayed as troubled spirits, and so many psychics feel like they have to send them "to the light". This is not the case for near-death experiencers, since they're obviously not fully dead. But I think that no one should be too attached or troubled, because staying around won't do you much good. The "unfinished business" you have must be resolved in this life or at least try to resolve it quickly after you die!

I think though, that there should be other spirits trying to assist you when you do die. So rather than tell them to go to you know where, maybe you should think about where you are (i.e. in a sort of limbo dimension). I think this applies to anyone who dies and finds themselves basically "invisible" to everyone else. Sure you can look around and be a "peeping-Tom" of sorts, (honestly, for God's sake), but to stay around instead of go to where you probably should is a bit disheartening.

Well, I hope that was somewhat interesting. And of course, these are not necessarily truths, but they shouldn't be discounted. Feel free to comment (or e-mail) or ask questions! Thanks.

"Dr. John"

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cold Sun...

Shalom aleikum...:) I'm sure some of you will like that. Anyway, walking around today and thinking what a nice day for a good thought. Today's topic is the way we view things. Why is it that we see the nagatives so easily? We're worried about grades, money, family, friends, and so on. What about relaxing a little bit? I don't mean we all become bums/low-lifes, but what is our rush and why do we take life so seriously?

Many different studies have suggested (and some claim) that our negative (and positive) thoughts manifest themselves into physical forms. So if you're having heart problems, maybe it's not because you've been eating fatty foods. Nonetheless, they could be clogged because you have "willingly" supressed your immune sytem. Of course, this makes mainstream scientists a bit agitated because the mind-body connection has been continously asserted by spiritualists, philosophers, mystics, and so on.

But why should there be any such "emotion" for these scientists? I think it's somewhat obvious that the mind can influence the body and even create physicality simply by thought. However, this concept is dangerous because people will use it against other people. I suggest that those who try to do so (whether on themselves or others) should not (in a negative fashion), because it won't help anyone. And if you want to harm anyone, you should reconsider.

On a lighter note, once we have control over our own minds we can help ourselves in positive ways. We could also help others if they accept it. There are also studies where simple prayer changed the crime rate of a city or healed a person from afar. I think people of my generation and everyone else should try to bring good things into this world because bad things are way too common, aren't they? And it's really easy to make the wrong choice, at least in this nutty world.

So if anyone happens to read this and is interested in looking up what I discussed, just type biofeedback and scientific research on prayer (on a search engine). And feel free to ask questions. Thanks.

"Dr. John"

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Wind gliding down a well.....

Ahoj! Jak se máte? Today's topic is the weather. Recently in Europe there was chaos with winds, rain, and snow (and still happening in some parts). And California and surrounding states have gotten colder weather than they're used to. And here in Canada the weather has been somewhat backwards where the East Coast has gotten warmer weather than the West Coast! Some people say Global Warming, others say it's a natural cycle.

But no matter whether our simple pollution caused it or whether the Earth wants its revenge, of course, what will the future be like? I think that the energy fluctuations will obviously cause some sort of extreme in most parts of the world. Right now it's basically giving strange weather. As some have said, the trees and animals must be confused. That may be true, but I think they're aware of what's happening and maybe they're kind of trying to hide out or get lots of food before much of the "catastrophe" strikes.

I think it's plain to see that if the weather is literally doing a 180 and that sooner or later, things as we know it will do the same. I wonder what it'll be like then? Let's say the next decade isn't too bad (as in world-ending weather), but that in 20 years time it starts really getting bad. Maybe there's a big freeze in some parts while in other parts there's a superwave of heat.

Most likely, there will be "jagged" weather. (Yes, I just thought of that.) Anyway, I'd say most of the land masses will be hit hard with cold, but like it's happening now, perhaps the tips of the world and the central area will be hit with heat. Most likely, though, the two poles will probably get most of the heat.

I'm just hypothesizing, of course. So, it'll be very cold for a time in the inhabited areas, maybe till 2100, but then things will start to heat up again. Maybe the warmth of the poles will slowly melt the ice and snow and perhaps we'll even move closer towards the Sun. Maybe the Moon will crash into the Earth and push us towards the Sun.

Eh, or maybe nothing bad will happen at all! Maybe just some aliens and the like! What do you think? Thanks.

"Dr. John"

Monday, January 22, 2007

Change without change...

Bonjour, mes amis. Comment allez-vous? I thought I'd start out a bit differently this time and I hope to add more languages so English isn't favoured too much. I mean, that's the language I speak, but I don't mind learning and communicating in other languages. I hope one day people aren't caught up on their race or culture because they have chosen to live in peace and are happy to learn about, understand, express themselves, and experience other cultures and languages. And maybe one day we won't look with a material outlook, but a mindful and heartfelt one.

One of the biggest problems that I can see in the world today is human carelessness. No, I'm not a misanthrope, but the seemingly obvious truth must be discussed and worked upon. Why, after how many millenia, are we still fighting, being greedy, losing our pants at the drop of a hat, and honestly being the opposite of what our positive potential is? Where is this conformation to capitalism/hedonism coming from? Why is going to the movies more interesting than helping a friend, family member, or complete stranger (in a positive way)?

We have millionaires, billionaires, and possibly trillionaires that exist. But we also have the other end of dirt poor, bum poor, and dying-from-starvation poor. And this stupidity is not recent, but (apparently) has been going on for millenia as well. What for? Honestly! We strive to have everything we want and more for what? So that others can suffer and so we can make even more wrong choices?

I would say that I am ashamed because most people seem to be acting that way. But of course, this is only one perspective of what really exists. I'd like to hear any comments from whoever finds this interesting enough to read. Thanks.

"Dr. John"

Quiet whispers...

Hey everybody! How's it going today? Alright, so here I am writing once more. Today's subject has to do with health. I know many people like "junk food", but not all "junk food" is necessaily bad for you. Not to say that it's the best in nutrients for you, but it's less junk than other junk. What we have to stay away from are artificial flavours and colours. If you look at most chocolate bars, you'll probably find both on them. And they don't list the artificial ingredients, rather, they just say "artificial flavors and colours". It's like when they say "may contain traces of nuts", but don't really specify which ones.

I think the "consumer" tends to eat and slowly poison him-/herself rather than eat to stay healthy. Of course, we can't always be tight-'rsed about things, but we shouldn't be eating "bad" things too often. Smokers, too, are a bit nutty. If they read the ingredients on the package, it does say "benzene" on there. So why don't they just drink some gas when they're filling up at the gas station? It also has acetaldehyde (or "ethanol") which is supposedly the chemical that causes "hangovers". 1,3-Butadiene is another ingredient which at "acute high exposure" will damage the central nervous system. All of this can be found on many sites, so just feel free to search for yourselves!

And the last one is alcohol of any sort. The basic thing is that it can cause cancer. This is basically our friend "ethanol" again. To quote a source:

"Studies have suggested that high concentrations of acetaldehyde, which is produced as the body breaks down ethanol, could damage DNA in healthy cells. … Researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in Bethesda, Maryland, have added weight to this idea by showing that the damage occurs at concentrations of acetaldehyde similar to those in saliva and the gastrointestinal tract while people drink alcohol. Acetaldehyde appears to react with polyamines - naturally occurring compounds essential for cell growth - to create a particularly dangerous type of mutagenic DNA base called a Cr-Pdg adduct…"

And we're aware of alcohol damaging the liver and so on, among many other things. So people out there, from fetuses to the living dead, why do you want to lose your mind and your body? And last but not least, we have to add in the chemicals we use to "freshen" things up. Aluminum chloride found in anti-perspirants contributes to neurotoxicity. The air fresheners used (either the ones you plug in or you spray like a madwoman...or man) are not the healthiest. They contain carcinogens and who knows what other "unknown" side effects they may cause (well, the companies know but most people don't). Just search "air freshener toxicity" (on a search engine) and you'll find some web pages.

Feel free to ask questions. Thanks.

"Dr. John"

Sunday, January 21, 2007

In the celebrity...

Hey everybody! How's it going? The next topic deals with the expectation of this century. I'm sure many people are unaware of the spiritual and scientific predictions of the near future and even what's happening now. Not because you guys are retarded, but I think it's somewhat hidden from the general public because we're all getting so much media garbage down our throats.
Have you heard of the indigo, crystal, rainbow, or star children? These are children that are supposedly gifted with special abilities and are on the "Earth plane" right now and keep on coming. I don't think most people have a clue what is going on in the spiritual "world". I guess most people aren't particularly interested in these things, probably because they're busy with the "real world". But if anyone happens to be interested, there are plenty of websites dealing with this subject (just go to any serach engine and type up "indigo children" or the other ones). It's kind of strange, particularly because people around my age (and of course, including me) fall into at least the indigo category. But nothing is too strict, so people could be fitted into the other categories as well.
Alright, so that deals with the spiritual side of things. The scientific side is the discovery (perhaps already discovered, but indirectly) of dark matter. Scientists would also like to find the Higgs boson, cosmic strings, supersymmetric particles, and much more. Now, what exactly are these things? Well, to give a very simple description, they're forms of energy which we normally do not observe. I think it's kind of strange that we tend to observe so little, yet we still live in a world which thinks "extra dimensions" and "planes of existence" are still "imaginary". So even though scientists have discovered many other particles up to now, the "material" world is still the most popular of all for the general population. Anyway, for more information, just type up and search the italicized words.
Of course, there's more to each field, but this is only one entry! Feel free to write your opinion or ask any questions. Thanks.

"Dr. John"

In the finality.....

Hey everybody! How's it going? Well, I did write up a blog, but I guess it didn't save it. So, maybe I'll choose another topic. I hope to write about different topics here so that if anyone happens to read this, they won't get bored by one blog, but by all blogs. To start off, what is your opinion on current scientific theories concerning the beginning and the end of this universe? Thanks.
"Dr. John"

In the finality the original...

Hey everybody, how's it going? I hope I'll remember this blog so I can continue writing about different things and not let it drift into murkiness. To start off (this is the original blog), I wonder what the reader (i.e. you) feel about relationships? Many people who write to me discuss about all sorts of relationships, and I'd like to know if anyone who happens to read this has an opinion or would like to discuss their relationships. It's not because I'm nosy, but maybe I could help someone in a positive way. Not necessarily in the pseudo-psychological manner, but in a way that maybe will make you move on or consider a better alternative. Thanks.

"Dr. John"