Hey everybody! How's it going? The next topic deals with the expectation of this century. I'm sure many people are unaware of the spiritual and scientific predictions of the near future and even what's happening now. Not because you guys are retarded, but I think it's somewhat hidden from the general public because we're all getting so much media garbage down our throats.
Have you heard of the indigo, crystal, rainbow, or star children? These are children that are supposedly gifted with special abilities and are on the "Earth plane" right now and keep on coming. I don't think most people have a clue what is going on in the spiritual "world". I guess most people aren't particularly interested in these things, probably because they're busy with the "real world". But if anyone happens to be interested, there are plenty of websites dealing with this subject (just go to any serach engine and type up "indigo children" or the other ones). It's kind of strange, particularly because people around my age (and of course, including me) fall into at least the indigo category. But nothing is too strict, so people could be fitted into the other categories as well.
Alright, so that deals with the spiritual side of things. The scientific side is the discovery (perhaps already discovered, but indirectly) of dark matter. Scientists would also like to find the Higgs boson, cosmic strings, supersymmetric particles, and much more. Now, what exactly are these things? Well, to give a very simple description, they're forms of energy which we normally do not observe. I think it's kind of strange that we tend to observe so little, yet we still live in a world which thinks "extra dimensions" and "planes of existence" are still "imaginary". So even though scientists have discovered many other particles up to now, the "material" world is still the most popular of all for the general population. Anyway, for more information, just type up and search the italicized words.
Of course, there's more to each field, but this is only one entry! Feel free to write your opinion or ask any questions. Thanks.
"Dr. John"
Have you heard of the indigo, crystal, rainbow, or star children? These are children that are supposedly gifted with special abilities and are on the "Earth plane" right now and keep on coming. I don't think most people have a clue what is going on in the spiritual "world". I guess most people aren't particularly interested in these things, probably because they're busy with the "real world". But if anyone happens to be interested, there are plenty of websites dealing with this subject (just go to any serach engine and type up "indigo children" or the other ones). It's kind of strange, particularly because people around my age (and of course, including me) fall into at least the indigo category. But nothing is too strict, so people could be fitted into the other categories as well.
Alright, so that deals with the spiritual side of things. The scientific side is the discovery (perhaps already discovered, but indirectly) of dark matter. Scientists would also like to find the Higgs boson, cosmic strings, supersymmetric particles, and much more. Now, what exactly are these things? Well, to give a very simple description, they're forms of energy which we normally do not observe. I think it's kind of strange that we tend to observe so little, yet we still live in a world which thinks "extra dimensions" and "planes of existence" are still "imaginary". So even though scientists have discovered many other particles up to now, the "material" world is still the most popular of all for the general population. Anyway, for more information, just type up and search the italicized words.
Of course, there's more to each field, but this is only one entry! Feel free to write your opinion or ask any questions. Thanks.
"Dr. John"
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