Aloha! Well, don't mind the "Title" too much, but I suppose it has something to do with today's theme. In today's world, there's a variety of social standards. It's happening now that "white people" or "Caucasians" are being handed the lower end of the stick. And, of course, I think that it seems somewhat obvious that it would be this way now. However, the sad thing is is that the "minorities" are doing as bad as what they've accused the "White Man" of doing.
Similarly, homosexuals are also getting the upper hand and heterosexuals will slowly become extinct. Yes, I am exaggerating. However, considering that there are probably more homosexuals than people think there are (or, at least, bisexuals), maybe the ratio has already been reversed!
We all think things are in such a way that in reality it may be quite different. There are probably more disabled or "physically challenged" individuals than we think there are. Isn't having a chronic sore back somewhat of a diability? Or what about hyperactivity? Maybe even being attracted to the shopping mall is a disability.
I think humans of this world are becoming a bit abusive to themselves and others. Whether you're this or that, most people are taking advantaged of everyone else. For example, there are so many children who need to be adopted. Why is it, then, that people aren't adopting them? Why do people have to have their own kids when there is an excess of children already? I know it's different for the parents, especially the mothers (and father if they want a jr. of themselves), but come on!
Then people want sex changes, plastic surgery, or other available procedures just to make themselves feel better. Does it really do so? I mean, does looking like something you're not really make you happy inside? But I suppose the response is that it's their own body so they can do whatever you want. But are these people doing it for themselves or for others? Usually the ones who have sex changes say it's because they always felt like they were the other gender. But most (well, more like some) are also religious, so why don't you accept what God has given you?
But I guess everyone is conforming to a certain way..sort of like a fad or trend. And what about sports and all that? Isn't it just retarded? I don't mean playing sports is retarded, but the sort of clique that forms. In schools they usually teach you to respect everyone (or at least in some sort of religious setting), but what ends up happening? Guys (and girls) are on a team and then don't get along with others "just 'cuz".
But instead of all this drama, why don't people do other things? So much time on these social events, why don't you go socialize and help someone? Sure, in high school and college it's usually required ot have some volunteer hours, but what about because you actually want to do it? But that's not what teenagers or even adults want to do (most).
What we want is to have whatever we'd like and so what if that homeless guy has nothing; or so what if our single mother neighbour is having some trouble---its her fault she's in the mess she's in. What we want to do is not always what we need to do. But of course, we're all brainwashed to want things and to live a certain way...and actually think it's reasonable!
Yes, buy all the new technology and endorse all the companies and corporations that manipulate genes and countries and your desires. But wait---don't forget to help a little bit so it seems like you have some humanity left. Just think a little about what life is about and why you want what you want. Thanks.
"Dr. John"
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