Bonjour, mes amis. Comment allez-vous? I thought I'd start out a bit differently this time and I hope to add more languages so English isn't favoured too much. I mean, that's the language I speak, but I don't mind learning and communicating in other languages. I hope one day people aren't caught up on their race or culture because they have chosen to live in peace and are happy to learn about, understand, express themselves, and experience other cultures and languages. And maybe one day we won't look with a material outlook, but a mindful and heartfelt one.
One of the biggest problems that I can see in the world today is human carelessness. No, I'm not a misanthrope, but the seemingly obvious truth must be discussed and worked upon. Why, after how many millenia, are we still fighting, being greedy, losing our pants at the drop of a hat, and honestly being the opposite of what our positive potential is? Where is this conformation to capitalism/hedonism coming from? Why is going to the movies more interesting than helping a friend, family member, or complete stranger (in a positive way)?
We have millionaires, billionaires, and possibly trillionaires that exist. But we also have the other end of dirt poor, bum poor, and dying-from-starvation poor. And this stupidity is not recent, but (apparently) has been going on for millenia as well. What for? Honestly! We strive to have everything we want and more for what? So that others can suffer and so we can make even more wrong choices?
I would say that I am ashamed because most people seem to be acting that way. But of course, this is only one perspective of what really exists. I'd like to hear any comments from whoever finds this interesting enough to read. Thanks.
"Dr. John"
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