Ahoj! Jak se máte? Today's topic is the weather. Recently in Europe there was chaos with winds, rain, and snow (and still happening in some parts). And California and surrounding states have gotten colder weather than they're used to. And here in Canada the weather has been somewhat backwards where the East Coast has gotten warmer weather than the West Coast! Some people say Global Warming, others say it's a natural cycle.
But no matter whether our simple pollution caused it or whether the Earth wants its revenge, of course, what will the future be like? I think that the energy fluctuations will obviously cause some sort of extreme in most parts of the world. Right now it's basically giving strange weather. As some have said, the trees and animals must be confused. That may be true, but I think they're aware of what's happening and maybe they're kind of trying to hide out or get lots of food before much of the "catastrophe" strikes.
I think it's plain to see that if the weather is literally doing a 180 and that sooner or later, things as we know it will do the same. I wonder what it'll be like then? Let's say the next decade isn't too bad (as in world-ending weather), but that in 20 years time it starts really getting bad. Maybe there's a big freeze in some parts while in other parts there's a superwave of heat.
Most likely, there will be "jagged" weather. (Yes, I just thought of that.) Anyway, I'd say most of the land masses will be hit hard with cold, but like it's happening now, perhaps the tips of the world and the central area will be hit with heat. Most likely, though, the two poles will probably get most of the heat.
I'm just hypothesizing, of course. So, it'll be very cold for a time in the inhabited areas, maybe till 2100, but then things will start to heat up again. Maybe the warmth of the poles will slowly melt the ice and snow and perhaps we'll even move closer towards the Sun. Maybe the Moon will crash into the Earth and push us towards the Sun.
Eh, or maybe nothing bad will happen at all! Maybe just some aliens and the like! What do you think? Thanks.
"Dr. John"
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