Hyvää päivää! Well, today's Valentine's Day so I thought it would be good to talk about relations. However, instead of that gushy love that'll be going around today, how about we talk love towards everything. Sometimes I wonder why we don't love everything, because if we did, then it'd be quite simple. If we had compassion and love for all, then we wouldn't be selfish, would we? Instead of buying things for ourselves, perhaps we would buy things for others. Even better, everything would be available for everyone else without false values.
Perhaps in the future it will be like that. However, for us to reach that level, we must truly be different than we are now. It's not so much that we have to be different physically, but I suppose it's with our psyches. If we're worried about getting the latest cell phone then we're a bit selfish, aren't we? Or winning a certain sport or getting a raise in pay. What about the people around you? Even unto yourself you're creating more suffering by all of these desires. Not to say everyone's like this, but the majority seems to be so (at least in Western Society) .
So, who is truly suffering? Is it the people in third world nations or is it the ones who have a luxurious life? I think the ones who suffer the most may be the ones who can't see what is the right thing to do. Sure the poor may also make lousy choices, but choosing to be rich may be a lousy choice in itself. Of course, everyone in modern society would think that's crazy! Sheesh, without money you'd be poor and begging.
But this relates to what I was saying about love and compassion towards everyone. It's the greedy who have made the poor exist, right? So, no more greed, no more suffering.
I think at least some would agree. How about you?
"Dr. John"
1 comment:
Dr. John (he he)
Love it! Wow, I cant believe how true this one is. You have great talent when it comes to writing and I believe you hit the nail right on the head. No one whould be selffish and all should love one another.
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