Labas! Well, another week has gone! Where has the time gone, honestly? Today's entry is about the coincidences in life or as some say, predestined events or synchronicities. I sometimes wonder why life is like a big deja vu, but then I probably think about something else and that's that.
Rather than think it's my subconscious observing it a few milliseconds before me or that I chose it in heaven before I was born, I go for the third option: I dreamed (or dreamt) about it. But then I try to remmeber when I dreamed about it and my mind's vacant. So I say that maybe it's just the scientific theory, but that doesn't really work because I should experience it 24/7, right? Seeing that I'm either associating with a past memory or simply subconsciously aware of it before I'm consciously aware of it.
So we try the other end of the existential spectrum which has some sort of attractiveness, but similarly, why only certain times? Unlike the science option, some spiritualists say that we have certain sign posts in life (from a life review) which we will promptly remember and it may seem like a deja vu experience. Yet if it is so, then am I following the right path or repeating some error again?
Now, I'm not a "psychic" (well, I don't have conversations with the dead or other dimensions--that I recall--everyday) nor am a scientist, so I'm just a big nada. I'd like to say philosopher, but then I may been suffering from existential angst now. All I can say that I hope I'm on the right path.
What about you? Anyone who's out there..feel free to reply, because destiny may decide to keep me busy some other way...:) Have a great day.
"Dr. John"