Hello me ol' China! How's it?
It's been a while since I made a full entry! Been quite busy. I am thinking at the moment about the maturity of males and females. Judge Judy claimed on a show that guys mature slower than women. I know that's the common belief and many have said that, though I find it illogical and not true.
It's not because I'm a guy and I want to defend myself, but it really doesn't make sense. For example, for the past fifty years or so girls have been slobbering over male celebrities like no one's business. Guys may watch porn or lust after a Play Boy bunny, but the majority of guys don't scream crazily and cry when they go to see a concert or interview of their favourite celebrity.
I also don't get how the older generations would agree that females are more mature. They did say that women were less intelligent before, so how could a less intelligent "creature" be more mature than a more intelligent one? Intelligence is needed for maturity, and I'd say that they're almost the same thing. Someone who's intelligent should be making more good or progressive decisions.
But what is maturity? I've heard guys say that the girls their age are so immature. Honestly, can you really disagree? It used to be that guys would sleep around, but girls do that to an excess now. It's usually the young female celebrities doing outrageous things, rather than the young male celebrities. And if there were to be an equal amount of young male celebrities getting into constant trouble, then it would still be that girls are not more mature than guys.
Girls have sex at a very young age. So do guys. So how is one more mature than the other in this case? If to get pregnant with a guy possibly a few years older than you is a sign of maturity, then guys better start getting pregnant.
But guys drink, do drugs, and just do stupid things you say. Well, I suppose girls don't drink, do drugs, or do stupid things. Silly me. For the love of sanity, both sexes do this! If you want to argue that guys are immature because their rooms' are a mess and they don't do chores...well, I guess you have reevaluate how clean girls actually are.
Or maybe it's because guys don't work. Well, that's not true either. Unless, of course, most girls work more than guys and I've just be in the dark. They say female children mature faster than male children, but are children actually mature? (Just look for "girls more mature than guys" on a search engine)
Let me know your thoughts.
"Dr." John
It's been a while since I made a full entry! Been quite busy. I am thinking at the moment about the maturity of males and females. Judge Judy claimed on a show that guys mature slower than women. I know that's the common belief and many have said that, though I find it illogical and not true.
It's not because I'm a guy and I want to defend myself, but it really doesn't make sense. For example, for the past fifty years or so girls have been slobbering over male celebrities like no one's business. Guys may watch porn or lust after a Play Boy bunny, but the majority of guys don't scream crazily and cry when they go to see a concert or interview of their favourite celebrity.
I also don't get how the older generations would agree that females are more mature. They did say that women were less intelligent before, so how could a less intelligent "creature" be more mature than a more intelligent one? Intelligence is needed for maturity, and I'd say that they're almost the same thing. Someone who's intelligent should be making more good or progressive decisions.
But what is maturity? I've heard guys say that the girls their age are so immature. Honestly, can you really disagree? It used to be that guys would sleep around, but girls do that to an excess now. It's usually the young female celebrities doing outrageous things, rather than the young male celebrities. And if there were to be an equal amount of young male celebrities getting into constant trouble, then it would still be that girls are not more mature than guys.
Girls have sex at a very young age. So do guys. So how is one more mature than the other in this case? If to get pregnant with a guy possibly a few years older than you is a sign of maturity, then guys better start getting pregnant.
But guys drink, do drugs, and just do stupid things you say. Well, I suppose girls don't drink, do drugs, or do stupid things. Silly me. For the love of sanity, both sexes do this! If you want to argue that guys are immature because their rooms' are a mess and they don't do chores...well, I guess you have reevaluate how clean girls actually are.
Or maybe it's because guys don't work. Well, that's not true either. Unless, of course, most girls work more than guys and I've just be in the dark. They say female children mature faster than male children, but are children actually mature? (Just look for "girls more mature than guys" on a search engine)
Let me know your thoughts.
"Dr." John