Hey guys and gals! I hope your holiday season is going fine so far and that all your families are doing well. It's been a bit of time since I've written, but here I am with my two Canadjen cents (that have since gone down in value)...
2008 will be a good year. Sure, there may be more disasters, but I'm hoping things will go well. Travel, studies, work, chillaxin' (that's for all you 80's-90's people out there), and just helping my fellow man is what I see for next year. Things this year have been a bit chaotic, but it's been said that it's always dark before the dawn. Things only stay bad for so long until even bad is fed up of itself.
So far in my life, things have been different than for others. That is, the majority of others. From being through "almost" two divorces to now taking care of my grandparents while their health becomes discombobulated (just wanted to use that word), it's been somewhat challenging. How about you guys out there? I'd love to hear your stories.
I have also had more penpals/e-pals than friends. However, it seems like friends nowadays are like penpals. Chatting on Messenger or texting all the time is how people go now. Actually, I do speak and have spoken to others, just like with e-pals and penpals, but my thoughts of what a friend is is a bit different than others. Maybe I'm thinking of good or best friends.
So, what really is a friend? And what really is a girlfriend (or boyfriend), brother, sister, and so on? As the old people complain nowadays, our generation want things quick and quick things. Relationships aren't what they used to be. I've tried to find good people by e-palling and penpalling, but it isn't that common. Sure, they could be "good" in the everyday sense, but barely any are committed to the friendship we could possibly have.
And with studies, it seems like people are (politically incorrect) becoming retarded. Yeah, we all know the slackers at school, but it's like everyone (well, there are exceptions, of course), doesn't know what's going on. The people who are already doctors, nurses, and so on seem like they didn't even go to college. And it's similarly happening with people now. Maybe it's all the crap we eat and breathe dissolving our brains.
So, for 2008, I hope that brain won't go to gray goo. I hope you all help yourselves and the world. And if someone does need your help, and that's the right kind of help, not buying drugs, booze, or whatever, then help. Even if someone doesn't ask, try to help without causing more crap. Sometimes people don't understand that a real friend (or someone who loves you), will do what's needed for you and not what you want. So do what's needed, not wanted, but still keep and open mind. Just being optimistic.
Have a great time!
"Dr." John