Hey everybody! How's it going? Just gonna greet in English until I can write totally in another language (I could attempt to, of course, but then my brain would conflagrate). Since I haven't written in a while (poor blog, it must feel like a wife wondering why its husband is working late again at work) I thought I'd pick something that would captivate my lack of readers!
Looking at the weather here in Canada, it just looks like Mother Nature may have put the weather cycle on "random". Of course, it's not really like that, it's just that getting snow, sun, rain, snow, rain, within seasons is just sad. I think that "Global Warming" bit can be thrown out here in Canada, unless "Global Warming" includes "Global Cooling"? As a remarked to a stranger, we're having an "Indian Winter" here.
But it's not only Canada, since the States is getting just as nutty. Pretty much the whole world is fluctuating in their weather patterns---and I don't mean because of the seasonal change---the weather simply does not match the season! So what can we do about this mess? Maybe we've created it, maybe we haven't (brilliant argument).
Because our current science is not particularly advanced (even if we count the developing nanotechnologies), we'll probably end up "blowing" ourselves up before saving the planet. Sure, we may develop the technology to live forever (whether in a human body or out of it), but so what? We may store all of the information that we know of on something we can't even see....but so what?
With the advance of technologies around the world it really makes you wonder what has changed in the human existence? There still are crooks---lots of them running around. I'm not simply talking about the bank robbers and so on, but the people who are thought of as "ok" or even as "heroes" in secret being worse than that guy with pitchforks.
Maybe Mother Nature takes pity on such corruption so she'll freeze or boil most of us. Doesn't that sound controversial? Yep, but what isn't controversial nowadays? Honestly, people don't really have freedom of speech anymore. I don't know if freedom is actually in existence. I think the worst things are being allowed but the "could-be-betters" aren't. Even good deeds aren't really there anymore. Everything has something crap associated with it. Really? You're such a pessimist "Dr." John! Nah, I feel myself to be more of a realist sometimes.
First off, you just have to look at the politics that exist. Everyone knows that's crapola. So we move onto the corporations. Well, they're affiliated with the governments of the world. And you'd think, since we're so rich, that there should be no more poverty in existence, right? But we just look towards Africa and Asia and it's all there. But we can't forget that it's even here. Go downtown and you'll probably be "greeted" by a couple of homeless people.
Well, let them get jobs! Hurray! Actually, it's not always that easy. Why? Well, the "real" citizens of the country sometimes (well, most of the time now) get the short end of the stick. The immigrants and "minorities" are getting most and even more of the rights, aren't they? I'm not a racist, honestly, but people have to see what's happening. I'm not even all "white", so eat that! Personally, I don't care what colour I am or anyone else, but what justice exists in this excuse for a world.
Some of you may look at your own countries and see the same thing. Of course, that doesn't mean you'll agree with what I've said (what exactly, have I been saying?). We're really looking forward to a cataclysmic future if we don't throw away our negative and selfish attitudes. And don't blame the average white man all the time, because he is as clueless as you are. And don't forget that it's not only the white man who's rich. Your own cultures have been enslaving others for a long time and being so greedy. What happened to the ancient teachings? Lao Tzu, Mo Tzu, Buddha, Krishna, Yeshua, any of the teachers....where have our heads been at?
The ones who have all the wisdom in their books have burned the books! The ones who had honour before have traded it for currency! The ones who have been "chosen" have chosen the path of darkness. Sheesh. C'mon world, get on the right path or else what's coming won't be that pleasant. Actually, what's coming is already here---we just can't see what hither be!
Feel free to put in your devalued two-cents!
"Dr." John